Carlson SurvCE/PC GPS Videos

Carlson SurvCE/PC GPS Videos

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Setting up a new Job File in Carlson SurvCE GPS and change projection
Setting Geoid on Carlson Surv CE for GPS use in USA Allenbuild
Carlson GNNS Surv CE Rover NTRIP setup BRX6+ GPS network CORS reference
Carlson Listen-Listen Setup with Surv CE & BRX6+ GPS base & Rover, Carlson Mini
SurvPC GPS settings to make stakeout easier on VRS network
Switch off Tilt feature on BRX6+
Calibration of Carlson BRX6+ GPS head/batteries for tilt mode
Carlson BRX6+ GPS with SurvPC stakeout .dwg on RT4 tablet on construction site

Carlson SurvCE/PC Robot Videos

Carlson SurvCE/PC Robot Videos

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Setting up Carlson CR2+ Robot Total station with Carlson Surv PC, set up on known point, store
Carlson Surv PC onboard Carlson robot CR+ and downloading/export points to USB stick
Stakeout with Carlson robot SurvPC, to prevent losing lock, adjust setting to lock or track